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Sales Wars Year Four: A New Look

I have been sitting on some exciting news, and the time has come to let it out. Because why not?

It’s been over 1,000 days since The Dawn Cluster was released. Over 1,000 pages absorbed by readers, if you combine all three novels. But alas, to be frank, I cannot say it’s been over 1,000 sales. Profit is nice but readership reach, providing entertainment, that first and foremost is my goal. At first I thought perhaps this tale was not as engaging as I hoped, but the reviews posted have been positive and encouraging. I decided to engage an unbiased third party to confirm a suspicion I had and I was right - the covers are not effective. They’re beautiful pieces of art, and I am fond of the font, but, as it’s referred to in the business, the covers do not convert, they do not convey to a consumer what the story is. Those of you who have already journeyed to The Dawn Cluster know the story - a life and death struggle to survive in regions unknown, watching friends succumb to death or worse, all the while wrestling with poisonous inner demons. But to the casual Amazon shopper, the current covers don’t convey that message. So, after three years, the time has come - for a face lift. 

Behold the new covers for DETRIMENT, DUPLICITY and DESTINY! They will be available with future eBook purchases this summer, as well as new paperback editions.  And hopefully, in another three years, I can then say it’s been over 1,000 sales...

And if not, these still look bad A, right?


Reader Pulse

Author Mark J. Schultis Books


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