Mid-Life Crisis for Infinite Men and Women
Let’s face it. We’re all in a rut. All of us. Just like every generation before us. It’s so cliche, isn’t it? So much so that it makes one ponder why it inevitably happens. What is it that drags us down into this pit of mundanity, incarcerating us within an unending state of malaise and restlessness? The jaded may say marriage, kids, the daily grind. That’s a shallow oversimplification and a misguided answer. No, it’s deeper, transcending gender, culture or station in life. It’s something inherently human we all face… Mortality. There’s a reason wisdom comes with age. It’s because with distance comes clarity. We miss what we no longer have. That’s the definition of nostalgia. The memberberries of a simpler time when all we knew, or cared to remember, was childhood happiness. But there was more lost to time than that. Youth. Energy. Freedom. Recall Paul Rudd’s dinner table lament from Knocked Up, frustrated he can no longer just up and go to India. Absurd example but what he’s say...